Winter Wonderland Weddings in KC!
There is something about a season that gives weddings their unique personality. Spring and Summer brings warm breezes and abundant flowers. Fall brings us smoky air and bold changing colors. But there is something about a winter wedding that is just magical. I should know I had one! Typically the “off season” for weddings, winter brings harsher conditions that seem to appeal less to the majority of couples looking to tie the knot. However, if you are lucky enough to live in a city with big old trees and historic architecture, that fresh snow highlights the magic and beauty of the surroundings. This year The Vow Exchange celebrated a full month of December & January weddings which were all cozy and warm. With a fresh snow on its way and falling temperatures, I expect The Vow Exchange Chapel to continue to be filled with lots of love and warmth the rest of this winter season. To help put you in the mood for all things wintery and wondrous check out our winter wedding pinterest board and see how winter is slowly becoming the new “it” season for weddings!
See one of our favorite winter weddings at The Vow Exchange Chapel!